Monday, September 24, 2007

Keith Urban

I'll be honest. I didn't really know what I was in for. My friend Garrett loves him, but he's more than a little bit country. I based my assumptions on KU's outrageously womanly hairstyle and colour-job...and was trepidatious. Garrett generally has great taste in music and has not let me down yet, but let's just say I was wary.

He was great. It was a super show. He is a talented fellow, not so country that anyone would be put out and he is way more attractive in person. Really genuine, charismatic and an all-round showman. Nicole Kidman is a lucky lady.

Added benefit - the crowd loooooooooooooooooooooved him. Like, loved him. I was unfamiliar with his music, but enjoyed what I heard. They were ridiculous for him.

Added benefit #2 - there were confetti explosions at the end of the show.

What's not to love ?

This chick took about 4000 photos during the show, which... whatever.

Thing is, every time she took a snap, she would elbow her friend to her left, who was watching the very same concert, and show her the snap on her camera screen. Her friend didn't seem to mind, which blew me away. I would have fed her her cowgirl hat in a hurry.

I'm nosy and wanted to see what she was taking pictures of, so found this whole interaction a distraction, even though 3997 of the shots were swoony close-ups of Miss Urban's dreamy face from the hi-def screen behind the stage. Good strumming material for her, I guess.

It made me long for an analog time when we weren't nostalgic for the events of two seconds past.
'Hey, remember when I just took that picture? GT's yo!'

The woman to Garrett's right totally loved him.

1 comment:

t said...

i only just realized you said miss urban, ummm it is mrs now and i unfortunately am not the mr. why must you taunt me so?