Monday, September 24, 2007

super tired of this civic strike

How proud are you now, Mayor Sam Sullivan ? Is this what ecodensity looks like to you ?

In typical style, the west side of the city seems unaffected, while the east side ( my side ) marinates in a garbage-y stew. Thankfully, my rental agreement includes garbage collection, but for those who do not have that service....well, it appears throwing it into the street is a viable option.

We're at day 60-something.

It stinks.
It really really stinks.

Not to mention those who have been without an income save for measly strike pay for the duration of this shit show.

It's not all doom and gloom, though, because down the street from my house, tucked among the refuse was this little gem. Somebody threw this out ? Look at these little angels!

I went down to the park for a stroll and when I returned, it was gone. I'm done dragging shit home from alleyways, anyway, but I'm glad someone saw its value.

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